Discovery of White Horse Mountain ( Bai Ma Shan )

It was 2013 when I heard about White Horse Mountain for the first time. I was curious but still had one more year to go in my previous school. The last year of my stay in China I decided to come for a visit to Five Immortals Temple on White Horse Mountain. I was lucky to get an invitation from Piotr and Jonas who had already been studying with Li Shifu. My first visit on White Horse Mountain impressed me a lot. Beautiful place, serious helpful students, friendly Chinese women who take care of the temple kitchen and other things around the temple, but first of all Li Shifu who encourages people to ask questions, explore life and look for the Truth according to Taoist way. At this place I found a master whose Way was so close to my own. I could hardly believe that such a place exists. This impression was so powerful that I kept visiting when I had time off in my school. My trips to Five Immortals Temple helped me clean and relax my mind. Students on White Horse Mountain where always like my family and so was Li shifu. Finally I decided to extend my stay in China for another 3 months after finishing a 5 year stay in Wudang Kungfu Academy. After such a long time my mind was very tired and my body was exhausted when I did not find what I was looking for on my spiritual path. The stay on White Horse Mountain was the only option and a great opportunity for me to get back to myself. I am very thankful for this chance given me by Li Shifu. I hope to come back and study more about love and compassion and help take care of the place and people. I recommend White Horse Mountain to all serious students.
With love and respect to Bai Ma Shan family

If you are interested in training Wudang Kung Fu in Czech Republic have a look at Oldas website.