Simple and convenient methods for Women’s Gong
女功简便法 Simple and convenient methods for Women’s Gong[1] 每于夜半子时以后,天然醒觉,心不着于色相,又不落于空亡。 Every time when in the middle of the night, after the Zi time[2], one is naturally being aroused, the Heart-Mind should neither be affected by forms and appearances, nor fall into empty death. 自觉月窟生潮,正是一阳来复,即将神气收于乳溪,回光返照命宫,塞兑垂廉,捧乳吸气,左右揉搓,下则牵动阴户,上则贯通两乳,一呼一吸,息息皆要归于命宫。 Of its own initiative the moon cave[3] generates the tide[4], this is [...]