Sound can change mankind and the world

  In today’s human society many global crises such as famine, disease, pollution, war, etc. have been on the rise. Most problems have been indeed caused by human beings themselves. Therefore, these problems can be solved by improving the moral behavior of human beings. Of course to solve these problems the joint efforts of people all over the world are needed. One person or a powerful country cannot solve these problems on its own. We must realize that as a species, human beings cannot survive without society, without the earth. Therefore, we must have compassion, love, help each other and at the same time, we must form the consciousness of loving the earth and all sentient beings.

   The combination of sound and thought can produce an unstoppable force. People’s thoughts, imagination, feelings and beliefs can increase the influence of sound. Conversely, sound can also enhance people’s emotions, thoughts, and consciousness, thereby enhancing people’s ability to influence and change the world. Some studies have shown that violence in places where peaceful meditation is practiced, will decrease. The voice of “love” is connected to the spiritual center of the human heart, which is also the center of love and compassion. People with compassion and sympathy constantly radiate love which at the same time spreads around the world. Therefore, the power of sound can change people’s consciousness of the world. By embracing the sound of love and compassion our body and heart can unite with heaven, earth and man, and we can heal ourselves and the world.