The mind is strong and powerful.

Frequency + Mindfulness = Healing

The importance of frequency has already been mentioned. What is the mind? The mind is the power behind sound. It is the consciousness that people have when they produce sound. When a person makes a sound with a purpose, one makes a particular effect of that sound. Another person making the same sound with a different mindset may produce a different sound effect.

Not only do people respond differently to different sounds, but they also respond differently to different thoughts. In dr Emoto’s experiments, natural and healthy water produces geometric shapes like snowflakes, while polluted water produces distorted shapes lacking crystal structure. Different sounds have different effects on water. Some music, such as classical music and words like Thank You, can make contaminated water shape like snowflakes. The human body is made up of 75% water so the sound frequency + mind can affect the physical structure and heal our body and mind. Some people may think that the intention is more important than the sound itself. In fact, the mind is just as important as the voice. It’s a 50/50 partnership.

The body and the mind interact. In this way, our thoughts, beliefs, mindset, feelings, consciousness, etc. affect our bodies. Tones often convey people’s feelings and thoughts so people’s feelings and thoughts are transferred through the voice. People are affected by the emotion present in the voice and they can easily detect the change in tone. When we send or receive different thoughts our body’s energy changes. This is the second great mystery of sound therapy: frequency + mind = therapy. This is also one of the most important of the seven secrets of sound therapy, and it explains that various sound frequencies can have a positive effect on people.