Wu Tang Kung Fu at Five Immortals Temple

Wu Tang Kung Fu
In ancient China, the expression Kung-Fu was not commonly used. The oldest dating records, which are approximately 2500 years old, document different skills such as combat skills, bare-hand fighting and swordsmanship. Through the mellenia, an evolution took place in the development and use of weapons and many schools which focused on the cultivation of these skills began to emerge in their hundreds. The skills that were developing in these schools across China, were referred to as ‘Martial Arts’. As the ages progressed, they finally became known as ‘Kung Fu’ or ‘Gong Fu’ which is an expression used for that practice of cultivating a skill which requires much determination and discipline.
The Four Applications
• Protection / Subduing the enemy
• Increase physical and emotional well being and strength
• Cultural value (performance and display)
• Cultivate virtue and purify mind.
In the modern age, there are two main classifications for all transmissions, theories and bare-hand combat. These are known as ‘Neija’ (‘Internal’) and ‘Wai Jia’ (‘External’). Internal martial practices cultivate the ‘One Breath’, Circularity and Softness, Emptiness and Agility. External practices cultivate bone, skin and tendon strength. These practices are renown for their fierceness and their ability to increase hardness and strength. The combination of both internal and external practices can be used to achieve optimum physique. The two styles of practice are often used simultaneously by modern day martial arts enthusiasts, so that both hardness and softness may be cultivated and combined with one another.
Abbot Li Shifu of the Five Immortals Temple on Heavenly Horse Peak Mountain in the Wudang range, communicates knowledge of the Gong Fu practices of the ancient and more traditional martial arts. They are the very essence of internal and external cultivations. All forms are instructed according to ancient methods, and all teachings are imparted in accordance with the values, virtues and morals of the Five Immortal grandmasters for the proper cultivation of ones character.
You will find the original article and martial arts transmission here.
Please be aware that we are a Taoist temple which teach ancient Wu Tang Kung Fu together with other Taoist Arts.