A Miracle We Were Able To Witness

I saw a high level Daoist healing transcending time and space and it was unfathomable.  A strong little girl was born six months ago, as the third child and the fifth family member of a happy family. Her parents, upright people, very conscious of the task of childbearing. But, on the day of her birth, the girl opened her eyes only as far as the sun rises in a few minutes. Days passed, but the little girl’s eye condition remained. Her especially contented and cheerful nature did not seem to care about this circumstance. She ate, slept a lot and grew up. All her parents’ efforts failed to open her eyes, let alone to grasp the cause of this phenomenon. The mainstream medicine was at a loss. The parents began to worry a lot, not only because of the growing pressure their environment had on them, for though the little girl always seemed content, her natural development was delayed by the fact that she could not see the things around her. She also seemed to show little interest in her external material world. The first assumptions about the possibility of autism became increasingly loud and that was just one of the many wild speculations by various medical and sociological consultants who began to rally around the little one. The mother struggled with the responsibility to do the right thing for her child, to trust and yet to leave no stone unturned to improve the innate condition of her baby. To give the little girl time and not to miss the stage where further invasive clarifications were necessary in the neurological area was particularly distressing for the mother. The parents also tried various alternative healing methods, but nothing seemed to show enduring results.

My stay at the Five Immortals Temple gave me the opportunity to ask Daoist Abbot Li Shifu to help the little girl. After taking part in a class on the Diagnostics of the Heavenly Section, I asked shifu about the baby. He said there are many souls that come to Earth from other dimensions and they are not children, so it’s possible to communicate with their souls through a Daoist ritual. He explained that some children don’t want to open their eyes, talk or listen to this world. That they would seem to have a disease like autism or in this case maybe not wanting to see. Li Shifu agreed to do the ritual to communicate and said that if it is this problem, the soul can be comforted and given guidance. The parents were happy about this opportunity and agreed to follow Shifu’s requirements.

The ritual was set up at 6 in the morning in the temple and at midnight in the little one’s homeland. During the time of the ritual, the parents were to offer incense and to remain in silence and heartfelt presence, being together with the sleeping child in the same room. Thousands of miles apart, in the mountains of Wudang, China, the abbot of the Five Immortals Temple, Li Shifu, was reading his Daoist writings. In the ritual, accompanied by the powerful words, traditional melodies, rhythms and sounds of the Daoist Scriptures, Li Shifu asked the spiritual beings for help. The information transmitted between Heaven and Earth about this human baby were, name, date of birth, place of birth, place of residence, and the names of the parents—perhaps to be compared with coordinates. In the middle of the ritual Li Shifu lit the yellow prayer paper that had the information, the prayers and request for the child. The ritual ended after a good hour or so.  I contacted the parents on the following day. A miracle had happened—the little girl had her blue eyes completely open. Even a few days later, her condition was unchanged and it has remained so until today. The possibilities of healing on this blue planet are almost unlimited, because we are part of a functioning holistic system. Even if the cause cannot be understood, there is a higher plan that can be led back from higher order if it is so determined. We don’t know exactly what Li Shifu did, but, transpiring in Switzerland, from the distant China, it was a miracle we were able to witness.