Inner Freedom

I feel that a very big change started this week, especially inside of me. I would say, it was not an easy week, but for sure, very important. At the beginning I felt that all the pressure and heaviness from my body went away, I even don’t remember when I felt my body so in balance, so powerful, flexible, free. That is the exact feeling when inner freedom becomes a dance outside. I feel more strength and power in my feet with every set of Healing Qi Gong, I feel my spine more straight, lungs more open, hands more sensitive, more presence inside of them. At the end of this week I felt how my hands started to “open”. I’ve also been having a different feeling when doing morning Qi Gong—the last few times I did this set very slowly, but felt my entire body so warm, I felt how energy is circulating inside of me. But on the level of emotions there is still no stable level—my mood went up and down, sometimes unexpected and for no reason. For example tears started to just come up, I guess it should be the process of clearing the heart.

Speaking about the classes—almost all the information is new to me, I feel I need more time for self study to remember all the stuff we are going over, so that I slowly review my notes, systematize and arrange the material in my head.From the methods we studied, most of all I was impressed by the fire healing—I observed my reactions, how I slowly overcame fear and started getting used to using fire.

– written by a student