It is required of a Taoist healer the heart of a father and of a mother gazing at their children.

A sixty-nine-year-old woman, named Tunushi, made her way up the mountain a few days ago. She came with her husband seeking healing from Shifu. He invited them to stay a few days in the temple. She reported having long-term, severe insomnia. A month ago her condition had worsened and she was not sleeping for days at a time. If she did, it was just over an hour every two to three days. Her family was worried and took her to the hospital. After some time in the hospital, the doctors didn’t dare give her any more medicine out of fear of the brain, nervous system, or injury to her internal organs due to reaching her limits on medicine. After eighteen days in the hospital with no significant change, she was discharged.

Tunushi and her husband began searching for alternatives. As good luck would have it, a friend suggested going to Bai Ma Shan. During their first evening, while eating dinner together, I observed Shifu talking to them like they were his parents like they were at home. I remembered Shifu’s words, “You cannot become a Daoist doctor unless you see the other person as family.”* That afternoon Shifu brought them up to the Guan Yin temple and in front of the medicine cabinet, diagnosed them using the Daoist seven methods of diagnosis. After he measured her blood pressure, which read 163/101, he prick bled on bai hui and er jian points. Afterwards, he pricked and cupped on da zhui. This was followed my acupressure and massage. Acupressure was done on si shen cong, tou wei, jiao sun, tai yang, yin tang, feng fu, feng chi, an mian, shen men, tong li, nei guan, hou xi, san yin jiao, shen mai, zhao hai, tai xi, yong quan, zu xin and jiaogen. After receiving the massage, while listening to the “Heavenly Tone” she fell asleep for twenty plus minutes. She was treated bilaterally, every point for one minute. Whenever possible a few points were simultaneously pressed. That evening Shifu advised her to listen to the “Heavenly Tone”** three times.

On the morning of the second day, Shifu inquired about her sleeping condition. She reported having slept more or less for five hours. Shifu measured her blood pressure again and this time it read 143/80. The elderly couple was very happy and grateful. Next, Shifu had her walk up the mountain to light incense in Zhen Wu’s temple, gave her herbs to drink and sent both of them off to explore the mountain. He also got them practicing Ha Ha gong *** and the longevity sequence.**** Later that afternoon he let us give her acupressure, massage and collective qi gong healing. He told us that if three high Daoist priests came together to pray they could make a pure consciousness field of manifestation that would prevent disasters, heal diseases and even change the weather. We were instructed to place our hands on her head, to take pure light from the universe, infuse her with this light and wash away her old energy. The next day’s treatment was the same. This time she slept during her treatment. You could visibly see the changes on her face. She had her vitality back and was smiling and talking again.

I recalled a few months back, another man around the same age as my father who had come to the temple for a few weeks and his transformation was miraculous. He regained his vitality back. It was amazing to witness. During their stay at the Temple, Tunushi’s husband also received treatment for his diabetes. He also looked refreshed after his stay. As Shifu said before, “a temple is like a gas station.” The elderly couple left very happy and grateful for the help. She began slowly returning to normal only after staying for a few days. It was a very heartwarming experience to witness and take part in for us three students, Cheng Da, Cheng Sheng and Cheng Liang. We are grateful to Shifu for the experience.

* “It is required of a Taoist healer the heart of a father and of a mother gazing at their children.
If one cannot regard the sick person as one’s relative, one cannot become a Daoist healer. Curing the body is low, healing the heart-mind is high. Salvation is granted in accordance with one’s destiny; Seek healing faithfully.”

**Sound Healing provokes states of deep relaxation where the healing of emotional pain and scars becomes much easier. Releasing fear and grief, loneliness and depression, cleansing unwanted emotions, and finding solutions to emotional issues with others, are all achieved with sound healing. Many physical ailments, aches, pains, muscular and connective tissue problems, mobility problems, post-operative recovery, tinnitus, and many more serious chronic diseases can all be cured or alleviated by sound therapy.

***This method can help people, if you don’t have a disease it makes your body strong, it’s a simple method and easy to learn. If you learn how to do it you can also help other people.

****Spit out the old, take in the new, support the upright, dispel the evil, circulate the eight vessels, remove illness, and prolong life. Longevity practice is comprised of simple movements aligned with the breath. It is designed to improve and restore health, dredge the meridians, remove disease, prolong life, replenish original qi and increase the power of the immune system by strengthening the connective tissue, tendons, joints, and increasing the flow of qi and blood.