It Resonates…

  I feel like I have been here before. I feel like I have met some of the people here before too. Perhaps we have all been here before? If I am you and you are me, did we ever really leave each other? Is it all just an illusion?

  I like Daoism. I share its views on society and Shifu’s teachings resonate with me. I feel like I understand it and have the ability to cultivate the Dao, once I choose to.

  Qi Gong has opened me up, mentally and physically…

  I accepted God for the first time – I mean truly accepted god. I still have slithers of doubt, I lose faith and my thinking gets consumed by fear and thoughts of money and security, but I am determined to shift my consciousness to one of pure love, the Great love.

  On a physical level, my lower dantian has activated and makes opening and closing noises during my Qi Gong practice. After Shifu ‘lit the fire’ in last night’s meditation it felt like a heart beating. The pain in my back has also reduced significantly; my body is much less tense then before and at times has been completely without pain.

  Deep down inside something says that I will revisit the methods and practice of cultivating the Dao in my later years. Once I have raised my family and lived a life in society. But I have no idea if there is any truth in that. It seems I can wake up thinking one way, and go to sleep thinking another – often the complete opposite.

I need to learn to trust that flash of inspiration, even if it does ask me to completely change my direction – after all, it is that voice that led me here, to the Inner Alchemy course. In order to do so I need to strengthen my faith, practice patience and enjoy the uncertainty of not knowing.
