We are all beings with unique frequencies.

As the first secret points out, everything is in a state of vibration. Everyone has their vibration rate and each of them is different. The third secret of sound therapy is that we are creatures with a unique vibrational frequency. This means that each person is unique and that a treatment that works for one person may not work for others.

Not all things affect all people the same way. For example, penicillin is effective for some people while others are allergic to it. Since each person has his or her vibration rate, music affects different people’s minds differently. The same kind of music may have different effects on different people. For example, some people will feel relaxed and happy when listening to certain music while some people will feel sad and so on.

In addition to resonance, time and environment can also affect the therapeutic effects of sound. We can’t simply assume that one sound or music has the same effect on all people. In addition to the frequency at which we vibrate, the state of the environment in which we listen to these sounds also varies. It’s about choosing the sound that works for you depending on the time, place and individual needs.

If a sound is favorable to you, you will feel comfortable and respond positively. On the other hand, if a sound doesn’t suit you you feel bad. When you react negatively to a sound turn it off or try something else. Because there is no magic frequency that works for everyone and if it does it won’t make you feel so bad. Sound is sonic nourishment that nourishes our body, mind and spirit. Certain sounds govern and affect our brain and nervous system. It’s the same thing with voice therapy. You need to find the source of the disease. You need to use different voices for different conditions. Sound is multidimensional and can act on many levels simultaneously – physical, emotional, psychological, etc. Because the frequencies of the vibrations are different we may need different sounds for treatment. This is our five-tone therapy for the five Zang organs.