Short Time, Such High Quality

For me the Daoist Medicine Course was a very rich and strong experience and it touched me on many levels.
We got a very good and well-structured overview about the content and the status of Daoist Medicine – the material theories and methods as well as the energetical ones – and it broadened my horizon a great deal. Before, I had never imagined what ‘holistic’ really meant and what it encompassed. I had been content enough to see the human being as a whole entity instead of divided into solitary compartments, like the western medicine does. But to a holistic and comprehensive approach there is so much more – the earthly section and the heavenly section, the cycles, the elements and the branches – it is all interlinked with each other. I got a deeper feeling about the depth of the energetic correlations between heaven, earth and human than I had before, those three departments are not anymore mere theory or shallow words to me. Dwelling deeper into those fields and to link them together will from now on be an intensive life, study, and cultivation process and path for me. It gives meaning to my life. Now even more on a conscious and a more directed and effective level, since I received a really good introduction, guidance and foundation from Li Shifu about those fields.

Since being at the temple my meditation practice has developed a great deal. There were many experiences, also (comparatively short) times of emptiness and of course sometimes also struggles to be centered and to focus. But I have attained a state where this practice seems really strong and important to me; I don’t question a bit, me sitting and trying to get empty, also if nothing happens at all. I feel a strong connection with this practice now. Also bringing the energy downwards into my belly was an important advice and I’m beginning to establish a deeper feeling for my own body and the energies within. I can say: it has only begun!

I’m also happy with the Gong Practice we received, the theoretical as well as the practical part. I have a stronger connection to what I’m doing, I see a path ahead of me and it is a big motivation, especially when I have to cultivate on my own.

I’m very happy with this course, although I was happy about the ending – my body and my brain needed to rest. It is a miracle to me how all this information can be transmitted in a very short time in such high quality. So many vessels have been built in one single time and of course I have to choose wisely about my next steps, what I want especially to practice and to deepen in.

If there is one thing I’m really wishing from my heart, it is a deepening in music healing. For me it is a really powerful and very inclusive approach once you can touch people of every cultivation and age level really easily with it and it is really something that brings humans and cultures, and even spirits together. It is REALLY powerful!!! It would be great to have more of that.

Thank you Li Shifu for everything!!! Thank you for your energy, your warm heart and that you make this life—and cultivation path possible for us.