Spring is turning into summer…

As spring is turning into summer according to the traditional Chinese Calendar, many new students arrive at the Five Immortals Temple. Some of them take part in a Water Tai Ji Quan and Daoist Medicine Foundational Healing Methods course, and some of them attend a Daoist Scriptures and Ceremony course. All the students learn and practice together the early morning Qi Gong movements to circulate Qi, and the evening sitting meditation to cultivate stillness and accumulate Qi.

Daoist Medicine Acupuncture Class

The first days of class are very special, as we receive the visit of Professor Li, a Chinese Medicine professor specialized in bone-setting methods as well as in treating a chronic conditions like myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord) and avascular necrosis (bone necrosis) diseases that are hardly cured by Western medicine. Assisting Li Shifu in teaching Daoist Medicine content, he offered a class on the principles of Chinese Medicine and Meridians Theory, sharing bone-setting and acupressure methods while giving a treatment to students with long-term illnesses.

Music Healing Class

An other great opportunity for the students is the presence of Yang Laoshi, a skilled musician trained by the lineage masters of Wudang Scriptures and Ceremony. As Li Shifu’s assistant, he is teaching the first international course on the Mysterious Gate Morning and Evening Scriptures ( Xuan Men Zao Wan Gong Ke Jing 玄门早晚功课经) . During the first classes, students are studying the history and structure of Wudang Ceremonies, the principles of Daoist music healing, and learning the music of the Morning Scriptures.

Music Theory Class

Simultaneously, the students of the Water Tai Ji course are starting intensive training to learn the basic movements of Tai Ji Quan, including stretching, postures, stepping methods, and silk-reeling methods.

Unifying with the movements of Nature, as the Ten Thousand Beings expand and grow, the temple’s community is vibrating with energy, with the presence of many high-level teachers and earnest students.

Reciting Daoist ScriptureClass

Practicing Tai Ji Quan