Dragon Gate: Law of the Heart




The three treasures are the Way, the Scripture and the Teacher. The Way is the source of the void. It is formless and nameless. Without scriptures it is impossible to understand the Way, for the Way is described within the scriptures. A teacher has deep and perceptive insight, without which one cannot achieve the essence of the teaching. Without taking refuge in these three treasures, one can’t extract themselves from cycles of evil and will remain entrenched in confusion. When a regular person cultivates themselves with the study of the Way, they arrange their heart and determination in compliance with their life and destiny. One must endure difficulty for this wish to come to realization.


The first refuge is the incomparably treasure of the Way, which wills for all life to always serve the celestial ones, and forever escape the world of reincarnations. The second refuge is the incomparable treasure of the scripture, which wills for all life, life after life, world after world to achieve the upright law. The third refuge is the incomparable treasure of the teacher, who wills for every life to study the highest materials and never descend into evil.


These three refuges were used by the sages of the past to bring deliverance to people and as an entrance to the Way. They are the first step on the path to ascension, the first way into the doors of virtue. Of those who have become immortals and achieved the way of sages and those of great virtue, there is none who has not begun with these three refuges. How one must control one’s essence and character, life and death, overcome the great events of one’s fate and have insight into the most subtle of mysteries of life is difficult to look and listen for.


The highest teaching is the brilliant method of deliverance. When a student is without the loving compassion and instruction of a true teacher, who leads them to a sudden spiritual insight, how can they come to a point of calm and find the truth of this highest teaching and genuine ancestry? How can one come to a point where they gradually enter into the emptiness of the mysterious way and no longer fall into the demonic realms and enter the side doors?


If one can’t understand the Way than they should first take refuge in the Scripture. If they can’t understand the scripture they should take refuge in a teacher. If one takes refuge with a teacher, they can hear what they otherwise would not have understood of the scriptures. When one can hear the scriptures like this, they’ll see a Way they would have otherwise not seen. In the beginning one cannot see nor hear, but in a single moment everything dawns on them in perfect clarity. This power comes from taking refuge with a precious and genuine teacher. It is what lets one naturally awaken to the true world, achieve and understand the true law, escape from the cycle of living and dying and never fall back to the wheel of return.


This being said about taking refuge in the gateway of the three treasures, one must be sure to take refuge in the TRUE three treasures. These days, if the treasure of the three refuges is taken as ordinary than one ends up morning and evening facing the statues of deities and doing nothing more than blankly reciting scriptures. But this is certainly not the actual purpose for which these refuges arose. After all is said and done one is still entrenched in the ways of confusion and evil and unable to free themselves from samsara. How can one understand the great Way and achieve liberation from living and dying like this?


The true three treasures are called taking refuge with intention, an intention to be without “living and dying.” Following this precious course one can achieve understanding.


Taking refuge in the heart; which is to function without obstructions. By this one can achieve awakening through the treasure of the scripture.


The refuge of the Body is an eye without sight, an ear which cannot hear, a nose which doesn’t smell, a tongue that doesn’t taste, hands that don’t move, and feet which don’t walk. Not defiling these things with obscene pollutions, one undertakes bitter cultivation. Working their bones and tendons, starving their skin and muscles, destroying the limbs and the trunk, one abandons their body. This is the precious teacher which allows one to achieve realfeeling.

有能感动师慈,传经授道者,必自己皈依自己之身、心、意,为真三宝也。我身之耳目,未能忘其见闻,非迷于色,即着于声 。声色尚存,则身非真矣。非真何以感师?苟能持身端正,心养灵根,意合真常,则念念虚空,湛然泰定,名为皈依三宝。身不邪淫,师宝可感;心不昧灵,则经宝可悟;意不二用,则道宝可明。

If one looks to have the compassionate feeling of the teacher, to teach the scripture and pass along the Way, they must take refuge in their own body, heart and intention; the three true refuges. One’s eyes and ears never forget what they have seen and heard. By being lost in appearances and sounds, those sounds and images take on value and the body becomes untrue. When a person is untrue how can they touched by a teacher? If one can keep their body in a pure state, support the root of spirit with their heart and unify their intention with the Eternal, their thoughts become empty. This is a profound and stable peace, which is called “taking refuge in the three treasures.” When the body isn’t evil or excessive, the blessing of the teacher is felt. The heart doesn’t conceal the spirit so the treasure of the scripture is awakened. The intention is never divided so the great way is understood.


The body is strong, the essence full and so there is health. The energy of the heart and spirit are clarified and thereby opened to wisdom. The intention is honest and the spirit solidifies so true nature appears. Fullness of essence and energy coalesce and transform into Spirit. The mysterious culminates. By taking refuge in the body, heart and intention (one’s own three treasures) the Way, the Scripture and the Teacher emerge.


What is it to take refuge in the body, heart and intention? This body is what has taken form from combining the essence of a father and the blood of a mother. One’s temperament and disposition are contained within the body, which grew forth from an embryo. The four elements combine and form the filthy leather bag we call a human body. The eyes see, the ears hear, the hands move and the feet walk. The mouth speaks and the tongue tastes. It is not an enduring or virtuous form.


By virtue one becomes immortal or attains sage hood. Without virtue one becomes a ghost or demon, a monster or an animal. Making their way upward one level a person may ascend to paradise, moving downward one level they may descends to hell. If a person sees some external value in this karmic system they receive only retribution. If one takes this as a real spiritual foundation and ignores everyone else, renounces the world and truly wishes to escape the cycle of living and dying, they must decide to take refuge in the body, orient themselves towards the proper way. Otherwise the six roots are used externally, the three poisons are created, ten thousand desires and a thousand calamities, nine demons, ten difficulties all arise from the body. In this state how can a person ever hope to cultivate the Way?


If a person is going to take refuge there is only one method; to control the body. Following precepts, and subduing the wildness of the body. Using the manner of the four elements whether walking, standing, sitting, or sleeping one remains conservative and dignified. A person’s ears do not to hear, their eyes not to see they remain in an appropriate state of compassion. They discover joy and develop respect. The limits imposed by precepts create this state and the uncontrolled body becomes the body of the law, so one can take refuge in the teacher.

大众!此第一段法,既已指明,须是皈依心。大众!此心又比此身不同。险恶异变,不可测度,如风如海,海水洪深,风势号怒,波涛潮浪,拥迭汹翻,难可渡也。今欲皈依此心,当明此心, 最非常久良善之物。

Everyone! When one has demonstrated this first phase, one must seek the refuge of the Heart. When one’s body and heart aren’t aligned, danger develops and one is unable to find deliverance. Like the wind or sea, the deep waters of an ocean flood, the fury of a blowing gale, and the billowing tidal waves, it is a great struggle to escape this turmoil. If one wishes to find refuge in the heart, they must know the heart, and it is the most benevolent and long enduring thing.


Greed creates lust, which goes against the law and brings calamity. When the heart becomes like this a person becomes a starving animal or an evil demon. They become sick and disabled, experience the pain of war, the bitterness of plague and pestilence, landslides and earthquakes. They witness the eclipsing of the sun and the death of stars, endure tsunamis and floods and encounter monstrous demons, all because of this contamination at the beginning. If one wishes to cultivate but doesn’t take refuge in the heart, how can they pass through to the awakening of truth and achieve an understanding of the true law?


To control the heart, it is necessary to take precepts and sit in meditation. A heart without understanding emits a flame, which chars and burns. So this cannot be done without water. Stillness is called water, which controls the chaotic blaze. This could be likened to strong sea winds and billowing waves blowing a merchants boat and terrorizing those on board. Suddenly the wind dies, the waves rest and the sea is calm all the way to the shore. The fire of the heart is a blaze; calm water descends unseen, changing this burning fire to the winds of wisdom, changing ignorance into innate wisdom. It transforms bodily desires into emptiness, changes the calamitous to the auspicious. Disaster is changed to fortune, sins are separated from families, calamity is replaced by profound wisdom, evil becomes virtue, excess and extravagance become honesty and sincerity, anxiety becomes joy, illness is recovered, famines are replaced with heavy harvests, demons disappear, immortals and buddhas are nearby, misunderstanding is clarified, and what withers is grown anew. This is the power of stillness.


The heart is at peace and the energy is stable. Because energy is stable the heart is understood, so one can take refuge in the treasure of the scripture. Everyone, having taken action to stabilize and assimilate the power of the wild and uncontrolled heart, one understands the treasure of the scripture, so one must now seek refuge in the intention.

神通不测, 或往或来, 变化多端, 倏胜倏灭,如龙如虎, 不可擒拿,如影如风,不可把捉,无形无见,无声可闻,耳不能听,目不能视,口不能说,鼻不能嗅,舌不能尝,心不能知,奇幻诈伪,千谋万虑,善用者,可以成真入圣,治国安民,三纲五伦,皆从此出,三教九流,俱从此起,忠孝节义,皆从此生,性命轮回,皆从此定,祸福吉凶,灾祥劫运,皆从此以为果报。不善者,流浪欲河,沉伦苦海,永无出期。

Spirit is measureless, it may come or go, it is multiform and changing, it manifests and disappears spontaneously. Like a dragon or a tiger it cannot be caught, like a shadow or wind it is ungraspeable. It is formless and invisible. It’s sound is noiseless, ears cannot hear it and eyes cannot see it. The mouth cannot speak of it, the nose cannot smell it and the tongue cannot taste it. The heart knows no fantasies and falsehoods, nor does it scheme or ponder. Using it one may discover truth and become a sage, pacify the country and people. The three principles five relationships all comes from it. The three teachings and the nine schools all begin from it. Loyalty purity chastity and duty are all born from it, the cycle of life is stabilized in it. Fate and misfortune, auspiciousness and providence are considered it’s doing. Without virtue one roams about the river of desire and sinks into vice and the sea of bitterness, never to emerge.


Everyone! If one wishes to cultivate the great way and they haven’t taken refuge in their intention it is difficult for one to achieve a stable peace. If one has the desire to seek refuge in intention their wisdom will shine brightly and they will be awakened. Before intention is made the water must be still and pure. The sprout grows after that time is passed, the divine light will be revealed and one controls life and death. With this honest intention one holds the handle of cause and effect. With this sincere intention one leaves the bitterness of living and dying, and escapes samsara by taking refuge in the core of this precious intention.


With one pure intention, one can reach the heavens above and resist the evils below. Evil spirits lose their form, the sun and moon lose their light, creation loses its weight, yin and yang lose their polarity, demons hide and the world is truly empty. Within and beyond the three realms there is only an intention of reverence. Release what is full and embrace what is empty. Unrestrained in every way, nothing is without this wish.


At the highest level we face the Original Beginning. It is called the ancestor of energy. In the center we return to the spiritual treasure. It is called holy energy. Below we depend on the most high which we call true energy. Dispersing is called benevolent energy; coming together is called original energy. Compassion and benevolence is Yang energy, rage and punishment are Yin energy. Anger covetousness and violence are blood energy. Murder, thievery and excess are demonic energy. Attachment and covetousness are evil energy. Savagery and ignorance are monstrous energy. Injustice and calamity are grieving energy. Concerning all beings, if the Body doesn’t seek the refuge of the Teacher, self-indulgence and inauspiciousness are strong. If the Heart doesn’t take refuge in the Scripture one is comatose, docile and confused. If the Intention doesn’t take refuge in the Way, there is bias and prejudice. Not being upright one loses their center. Losing the center prevents the light of wisdom from growing; stability is undermined, precepts aren’t followed strictly, the spirit can’t coalesce, energy cannot assemble, essence cannot flow. Intention cannot be sincere, the heart cannot shine, the body cannot cultivate.


Everyone! Today I spoke of searching for the Great Way, and pointed straight to the human heart. If one is eager and quick to tame their, Body, Heart and Intention, they will transform into the real body of the three treasure. After which refuge is taken in the three refuges, the Way, the Scripture and the Teacher. To ask for liberation from this world one can’t tarry. When one commits to discipline and sits in the stillness of wisdom at the door of the law, they may walk in faith without uncertainty and it is known that this person is certain to achieve the Way. If one doesn’t commit to this cultivation, it is known that this person sins are deep and fortune thin and they cannot understand the Way, for the Spirits will not allow it. This person must hear the supreme truth, the Way of peace, stillness and deliverance. If a person is careful to never become angry, always create compassion and empathy, knows all the ways to help, and is drawn to enter the Way, then they can be called a disciple who has taken refuge in the three treasures.