the First Sword under Heaven

On the 10th April 2019, a new international class opened at the Five Immortals Temple to introduce the Wudang Five Dragons Heavenly Dipper Dragon Shape Sword (武当五龙天罡龙形剑 Wudang Wu Long Tian Gang Long Xing Jian).

On the theoretical level, students were introduced to the history and development of the sword as an Internal Martial Arts, to the structural names of the sword and the postures, and to the requirements of the training methods. On the practical level, students trained intensively Gong Fu basics, foundational sword patterns and stepping, and started learning the form.

Historically, the sword is an ancient weapon, as proven by archeological Chinese artifacts dating back 2500 years ago. It carries a high level of virtue and upright power, as amongst the 18 classical types of weapons, it was a weapon associated to nobility only. A sword itself has its own anatomy, including the handle, the guard (also called « Tiger’s mouth »), the spine and body, the blades, the tip and the tassel of the sword, all of which have a different use.

The Wudang Sword in the martial arts world is well known as « the First Sword under Heaven ». The true meaning of this saying has multiple layers of implication, all embodied in the Wudang Five Dragons Heavenly Dipper Dragon Shape Sword.

At the Human level, the Sword form is made of internal and external spiraling movements, through which rotations engage the transformation of Yin and Yang. At this level, the Sword strengthens and protects the body and mind of the practitioner, thus generating health and longevity.

At the Earth level, the form draws stepping patterns in circles within circles, similar to the Flower of Life, generating a powerful energy field that imitates the heavenly movements of the galaxies, stars and planets, thus unifying Heaven, Earth and Human. According to legends, at this level, practitioners refining the elixir are able to use the Qi of the Sword to fly, however a Sword with form still needs to be used.

At the Heaven level, the form contains specific high frequency energy transmissions of the Daoist Gate, through the medium of incantations and talismans, that can be used to endow the form with the power of the Seven Stars. The form then becomes not only a martial art form, but also a ritual – elevating it to what is called the « Sword of the Immortals », a formless sword of energy that has the power to vanquish demons and overcome evil.

The Sword form thus is not only a martial art form, it also is a container for refining one’s character and elevating oneself.