There Is Nowhere Like This In The World

It is almost impossible to summarize such a life changing experience in just a few hundred words, so please be aware that whatever you read here is merely the tip of the iceberg.

I came to the Five Immortals Temple with barely any prior knowledge of Tai Chi, Chi Kung, or Taoism. I had only a basic understanding of Chinese medicine and meditation, which was all self-taught. I brought with me 2 years worth of back-pain, a lifetime of bad posture, and some unhealthy eating habits. I did however have a strong will to learn and a can do attitude. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking for when I came to the temple, I am however certain that I will leave here having found more than I ever could have imagined.

In some ways the temple was exactly how I expected it to be; fairly basic accommodations in a beautiful mountaintop setting, a plain diet consisting mostly of rice and vegetables, a temple master looking like he came straight from the movies (complete with the long white beard which he strokes as he thinks.) Yet after 3 quick weeks I realize how limited my imagination was. The views from the mountaintop are more spectacular than I ever could have dreamed, the training classes, way more intense and motivating than I believed possible, the theory classes packed with more knowledge than I could have learned in years of self-study, and the people so much more interesting and caring than anywhere else I have been. All of this is without mentioning the personal development I have experienced here.

I came here with a fairly long-term back injury caused from multiple snowboarding accidents, bad posture, a stressful lifestyle, and a physical labor intensive job. Through the daily exercises of chi kung, the 6 hour daily taichi classes including flexibility and strength training, the knowledge gained from the theory classes, and the nightly 1 hour meditations, I have completely transformed my body in just 3 short weeks. My back and shoulder pain is all but gone, my posture is so much straighter, my energy levels have returned, and an overall sense of vitality fills me. I only hope I can continue to use what I have learned here, to help myself and others, in life away from the temple.

There isn’t enough time to describe the immediate and deep attachment I have to this temple. Or to thank enough the people who make this place possible. I have been traveling now for the last 5 years and I can honestly say there is nowhere like this in the world.

I came here not really knowing much about taichi, chi kung, or Taoism… but I will leave here knowing enough about each to ignite a strong desire to learn more. I have also greatly improved my ability to meditate, my general health, and my passion for Chinese medicine. On top of this I have made some fantastic new friends, extended my family, and found another home away from home. I eagerly count down the days until I can return.
