“We first have to go into a process of separation

to find our way back to oneness”

One week has passed since the first day of the course and three years since I first came to Bai Ma Shan. I was really excited to come. Not only because the place is beautiful and powerful but mostly to come back home. The home I am referring to is not a physical place but rather a home within.

What I appreciate about the courses in Bai Ma Shan is not only the courses themselves, it is the whole package. We take care of the temple, assist at ceremonies, offer incenses to the Spirits of the various altars, practice meditation, exchange deep talks etc. The course is one of the facets of the Daoist diamond we explore.

This Gong Fu course has given me greater understanding about the principle of unification. Each day we have been learning new content until our brains get fried. Learning one movement with the hands and arms, then unifying with the steps. At another level, we separate the steps and afterwards unify them as one movement. And that is for me a beautiful metaphor for the evolution of consciousness that we are applying daily. We are embodying this process from the thoughts or from the formless to the physical or the form. In order to learn, we first have to go into a process of separation to find our way back to oneness!

It goes on further with the unification of one’s intention. There are multiple layers to BaBu. Some may just be happy with the physical aspects, some with the stepping on the sacred pattern, some others might be more interested in the mystical aspect of it, the connection with Heaven, calling on high frequencies energy as to embody it at the Man level and anchor it through the core of the Earth.

There has been big shifts going on in my personal life and coming here, studying BaBu and Daoism supports me on my path. My first intention coming here for a Gong Fu course is to strengthen my body, get physically strong in order to become stronger in my ways of acting and therefore become sharper, more focused. As a woman I cannot but recommend this course. It is empowering!

I’m excited about the rest of the course.


Written by a current temple student:

Cheng Lian.